片名: Some Call It Loving (1973)
代號: Sleeping Beauty
年代: 1973
片長: 103分鐘
票數: 250
評分: 5.3
對白語言: N/A
國家: N/A
類別: Drama
標語: The Only Act of Its Kind in the World. For Sale.
導演: James B. Harris
. James B. Harris .......... (screenplay)
. John Collier .......... (short story "Sleeping Beauty")
. James B. Harris .......... producer
. Charles Roven .......... assistant producer
. Ramsey Thomas .......... associate producer
A woman who's been asleep for years is part of a carnival that sells her kisses for a buck. A lonely jazz musician buys her. Once awake, the two of them and his two girlfriends hook up. But sometimes, dreams are better than reality.